A Year To Celebrate
Welcome to Olmoti Village
Although our emails have been few, the good news has been plentiful. We are delighted to tell our supporters about our triumphs—large and small—and the progress we're making to bring health, education, sanitation, and prosperity to our small corner of Tanzania.
Here are 10 excellent reasons to celebrate the achievements
enabled by our faithful donors and accomplished by our
hard-working villagers last year.
Awards: Olmoti Primary School was named the top school in the Longido District of Tanzania and third in the entire Arusha region!
Funding: Olmoti Health Center received official government status, which will increase support for needed medical services and supplies.
Building: Olmoti Women's Organization built a cabin to house their entrepreneurial activities, including sewing student uniforms, making soap, and raising chickens.
Water: Engineers Without Borders returned to survey the community's ongoing water needs for future projects.
Resources: Partnerships with special-needs resources improved the future prospects of disabled Olmoti children.
Painting: Willy Chambulo, long-time Olmoti benefactor, gifted the community a repaint of all buildings, inside and out.
Surgery: The surgeons from Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center partnered with Olmoti to perform complex operations on a monthly basis.
Scholarships: Every student who qualified for secondary school received a scholarship for lodging and expenses.
Vaccinations: Although the region was hit hard by COVID, Olmoti's comprehensive vaccination program spared the village from widespread illness.
Food: Responding to a severe regional drought and resulting crop failures, Our One Community contributed supplemental maize, which sustained the health of the community and gave children enough energy to stay in school.