Your donations at work
In partnership with the Maasai Stoves and Solar Project, the women of Olmoti have built and installed smokeless wood stoves and solar lighting in every home in the village.
100% of your tax-deductible donations are applied to initiatives like these to make life better for the community. We donate our administrative time as part of our commitment to the Olmoti Clinic’s projects.
There are so many ways to give
1) Donate via Paypal or credit card/ATM card. It’s fast and easy.
2) Put a check in the mail to:
Our One Community
1960 Centro West St., Tiburon, CA 94920
3) Treat yourself to an Olmoti Safari—see your donations at work.
A total of 12 days in Tanzania, including two days interacting with the people who work and live in Olmoti Village and ten days, under the care of expert guides, exploring Tanzania’s most spectacular animal preserves by day and enjoying luxurious accommodations by night.
4) Check out our WISHLIST.
Learn about specific unmet needs that require additional funding. Earmark your donation for medicine, teaching supplies, secondary school provisions, neonatal funding, farming supplies, or in support of women residents.
5) Leave a legacy.
Please consider making a legacy donation to the Olmoti Clinic Foundation to continue Dr. Raleigh’s work in perpetuity.
Diane Raleigh, PhD
Executive Director
+1 650-862-7800
Olmoti Clinic is registered in the United States as Our One Community, a 501(c)(3) non-profit (EIN#80 0357884), whose sole project is Olmoti Clinic.
Olmoti Tanzanian Organization is a non-profit charitable organization registered in Tanzania under the Trustees Incorporation Act.